Sunday, May 16, 2010

Girls Day, ALL Day

So every year around Mothers day we have a Sorrority Sister Retreat. All the girls that I have kept in contact from Mesa Community College Institute Lambda Delta Sigma have a day together. Years past we have slept in a hotel, but these last couple of years we have been doing a full day of Fun! We started out with a movie (Letters to Juliet) great movie. We had lunch, pedi, shopping and dinner. We ended the night with talking, laughing, crying and just about wetting my pants. I feel so refreshed when I come home even though it was 2am but I love to get together with them. We have all been through so much and there is no judgement. I love my LDS ladies. Of course I forgot to get out my camera but that's ok, I have a brainfull of funny and exciting memories to last me awhile.

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