Thursday, May 28, 2009

Belated Mothers Day

I have some of the greatest friends. I met these girls over 10 years ago in the Lambda Delta Sigma (LDS) sorrority at MCC. I was attending Chandler/Gilbert CC but a friend of my Glover told me about RUSH at MCC. We have celebrated Weddings, Births and a Death of a dear friend but at least twice a year we all get together and have a party. Boy do my friends know how to throw a party. Our 12hr tour began at noon on Saturday. We met for lunch and then proceeded to the Mesa Cemetary where our dear friend Amy Mac Denton is buried. We ussually visit her grave on her birthday but decided to change it up since Mothers day is so much nicer. Some of the girls had manicures, ped, and even a bikini wax was done. We had dinner, talked about the fun we used to have and just loved on eachother. I love to get together with my Sorrority Sisters.

1 comment:

Celeste B. said...

Yeah! I found your blog. I hope all is well. Miss you guys....although I don't really miss Kohl's at all.