Sunday, April 26, 2009

Shout Out!

Happy Birthday to Boompa, My dad has become William's best friend. Even though he is getting up in age he still wrestles and plays cowboys, bullrider and bad guys. Ever since I was small I knew that my dad was someone I could count on. He is a gentle man, never losing his temper and always made me and my siblings feel loved. I appreciate all that he does for me and my family. He is the greatest man I know.


Justin, Leta, Isaac, Katie, & Miles Robinson said...

Dearest Farrah,

I am so glad to see you and your family looking so great. I miss you and have thought about you so much. You'll never know how much your friendship meant to me when for the nine months I was in Queen Creek. You helped me feel at home and I wasn't quite so lonely having once we became buds. Thanks so much. Take Care.

Six Skinners said...

You do have an awesome DAD(& MOM)! They both do so much for my mom(and family)since my dad passed away. I love your parents. Cherish every moment with them, you are so blessed to have them.